Press Service / Media

Reviews in Specialised Press (in German)

tanz - Zeitschrift für Ballett, Tanz und Performance, edition 04/2024, article about the new knowledge platform EMERGING DANCE ARTISTS, Netflix für Steuerrecht by Falk Schreiber (with kind permission of the publisher)

tanznetz - Online Magazine, 7 May 2024, article about the FORUM BERUFSEINSTIEG TANZ, Schwarmexpertise by Anna Beke

tanznetz - Online Magazin, 27 February 2023, interview about the result of DIS-TANZ-START, Es braucht viel Überzeugungsarbeit by Dagmar Klein talking with Johannes Bergmann (project manager)


Press Officers

Alexa Junge

Telephone: +49 (0) 30 - 374 43 392
Mobile: +49 (0) 176 - 764 984 75

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