FORUM BERUFSEINSTIEG TANZ (Forum Career Entry in Dance)

The cross-sectoral nationwide exchange of expertise in the DIS-TANZ-START funding programme was held in two conferences. The first edition focussed on career entry as an employed dancer in established dance and ballet ensembles and the second edition on entry as a freelance dance artist in the independent performing arts scene.

Review (in German) on



The first nationwide sconference FORUM BERUFSEINSTIEG TANZ took place in Essen. The initial focus was on starting a career as a dancer in permanent/established companies in Germany. The invitation was accepted by representatives of state or state-recognised, renowned dance training institutions, such as

  • Staatliche Ballettschule Berlin
  • Ballettschule des Hamburg Ballett John Neumeier
  • Institut für Zeitgenössischen Tanz der Folkwang UdK Essen
  • Hochschulübergreifendes Zentrum Tanz Berlin
  • Akademie des Tanzes der HfMDK Mannheim
  • BAtanz der HfMDK Frankfurt a. M.
  • Ballett-Akademie der HMT München
  • Zentrum für Zeitgenössischen Tanz der HfMT Köln
  • Iwanson International München,

but also directors of small and large dance/ballet companies of different aesthetic orientations, players and networkers in the field of support and post-graduate qualification/counselling (e.g. Stiftung Tanz - Transition Zentrum Deutschland, dancersconnect e.V. (Ensemble Netzwerk Tanz), the Federal Employment Agency's Central Placement Office and also (experienced) dancers entering the profession. The managing director of Omscholing Dansers Nederland also provided important input as a guest from the Netherlands.

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Word Cloud

Conference Report

Progress Log


What aspects are essential for entering the German independent dance and performance scene as a professional dance artist successfully? Where are the areas of responsibility and who could provide support at which points and what is needed for this? These and other questions were discussed by around 50 experts from the fields of practice, teaching and qualification at the nationwide FORUM BERUFSEINSTIEG TANZ #2 in cooperation with the Bundesverband Freie Darstellende Künste (Federal Association for the Independent Performing Arts) on 17 April 2024 in Berlin. The conferecne focussed on starting a career as a freelance dance artist and also dealt with more diverse understandings of roles, job profiles and functions in professional dance.

Conference Programme (German only)

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Recording with German Sign Language

Recording without German Sign Language

Word Cloud

Transcript of Thoughts (German)